International Edremit Photo Festival

Brief Information About the 2nd International Edremit Photography Festival

Welcome to the 2nd International Photography Festival.

The idea of ​​starting the International Edremit Photography Festival emerged years ago, and we completed the first one with great success in 2023.

We determined the theme of the 2nd International Edremit Photography Festival as “MY PHOTO”.

Photographers; Photography clubs, competitions, large photography organizations with honors or privileges should be followed by the changing technology in photography, and should work on trends and needs and continue to follow them. It is good to have diversity in many organizations and clubs with different cultures, in many different countries on different continents, and they must all work together to coexist and collaborate in this digital world.

At EDFOD, we serve from the bottom of our hearts to popularize and develop the art of photography. We are here to try to bring the fun and joy of photography to the audience. 

This festival is held without any sponsors and advertising revenue. We hope to have sponsors and advertisers to make the next festivals bigger and better. I believe we can achieve this with everyone’s support.

Now, let’s enjoy the festival, welcome to the 2nd International Edremit Photography Festival.

President of Edremit Photography and Cinema Art Association (EDFOD)
AFIAP, QPSA, HIUP, Hon.ASAP, Hon.FSAP, Hon.FCPA, Hon.F.Nobel/Platinium, Hon.VEDIC, Hon.WPAI,

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