International Edremit Photo Festival

Nesrin Saltık

About Me

I was born in 1953 in Balıkesir.
I graduated from Balıkesir Trade High School. I am retired from SSK Institution. I started photography in 2017 by attending Basic Photography Training opened by BASAF.
My interest and love for photography for years has carried me to this different level in my life. The story in every photo I take has opened new horizons for me. I started to look at the world through the eyes of photography. Photography has become the center of my life and I hope it continues like this.
I have received awards in various national and international competitions. I have participated in mixed photography exhibitions.
I will continue my photography studies here by becoming a member of Edremit Photography and Cinema Art Association (EDFOD) at the beginning of 2024.



Exhibition Name

Nesrin Saltık


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